Product News

Custom Crafts – Elevating Challenge Coin Excellence

With a reputation as a seasoned challenge coin maker, Custom Crafts continues to impress with its impeccable designs, thanks to its team of skilled professionals, including a dedicated 3D CNC designer and artwork designer team comprising 10 workers.

Designing Distinctive Challenge Coins

The 3D CNC designer and artwork designer team at Custom Crafts exemplify innovation and creativity. With an intricate understanding of design principles and techniques, they work collaboratively with clients to create unique challenge coin designs. Each design is carefully tailored to the client’s vision, ensuring that the coins stand out as meaningful symbols of honor and accomplishment.

A Legacy of Craftsmanship

With 15 years of experience in the challenge coin industry, Custom Crafts has perfected the art of manufacturing. Their state-of-the-art facilities and skilled craftsmen enable them to produce challenge coins of exceptional quality. From selecting premium materials to employing advanced production techniques, every step is executed with precision and dedication.

Unparalleled Customer Service

Custom Crafts places great emphasis on providing exemplary customer service. Their team goes above and beyond to understand the unique requirements of each project and deliver tailored solutions. Whether it’s offering design guidance or ensuring timely deliveries, their commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering.


In summary, Custom Crafts stands as a premier challenge coin maker, boasting a team of talented professionals, including a dedicated 3D CNC designer and artwork designer team with 10 workers. With 15 years of experience and a commitment to delivering excellence, they continue to set the standard for outstanding challenge coin design and manufacturing. For those seeking distinctive challenge coins that truly reflect their values and achievements, Custom Crafts is the ultimate choice.

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